Seniors Helping Seniors

Smart Made
Easy for Seniors

Do you rely on your kids or grandkids to help with technology?

Do you want to understand and use the technology you have with confidence?

We can help!

Phones & Tablets

We can help you with any smart phone! We are well versed in iOS/Apple, Android, and Google systems.

Vehicle Display Panels

Does your car have a fancy screen?  Do you need help navigating the technology in your vehicle? We can cut through the confusion!

Email Platforms

Do you need help switching to a new email platform?  Do you want to save your contacts or import an old list?  We can help!


We know both PC and Mac.  We can help you with anything from unboxing a new computer to setting up Wi-Fi.

Modems & Wi-Fi

Do you want to use your own modem and stop renting from the cable company?  Need stronger Wi-Fi?  We can help with your networking needs.

Smart Home Devices

Were you gifted a new smart home device? We can help you setup a new Alexa or Google Home, smart bulbs, smart switches, and cameras!

Smart TVs

Thinking about cutting the cord? We can help you setup a new TV, explore streaming, and connect devices.

Remote Controls

Fed up with all of those remote controls?  We can simplify the process and help you find a solution that doesn’t require a PhD to run!

Digital Coupons

Looking to save money? We can show you where to find the coupons, how to use them, and how to save money!

Smart Made Easy 4 Seniors

No technology is off limits!

We spend time face to face to listen to each client to provide a personalized custom solution to meet their goals.  We are always here to help our customers.

If we can’t help you master it, we will provide additional resources
for a solution or an alternative.

Get Started

Contact Smart Made Easy Today!

Serving Monroe, Ontario and Wayne Counties, NY

Smart Made Easy 4 Seniors

Serving Monroe, Ontario and Wayne Counties, NY
Affordable and fully insured.

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